Luyện tập các câu điều kiện và điều kiện ao ước trong tiếng Anh.

Các câu điều kiện trong tiếng Anh cũng là dạng ngữ pháp chính đấy các bạn nhé. Chúng ta cùng nhau luyện tập các dạng bài để ghi nhớ nhé các bạn.

Bài viết liên quan:

Bài 1: Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc:

1. If I see him, I _____ (give) him a gift.

2. If I had a typewriter, I _____ (type) it myself.

3. If I had known that you were in hospital, I _____ (visit) you.

4. You could make better progress if you _____ (attend) class regularly.

5. If I _____ (know) his telephone number, I’d give it to you.

6. If you _____ (arrive) ten minutes earlier, you would have got a seat.

7. If he worked more slowly, he _____ (not make) so many mistakes.

8. I shouldn’t drink that wine if I _____ (be) you.

9. If I _____ (find) a cheap room, I will stay a fortnight.

10. A lot of people _____ (be) out of work if the factory closed down.

11. I (have) ………….. plenty of money now if I (not/spend) ………… so much yesterday.

12. If someone (give) …………….you a boat, what you (do) …………… ?

13. If you………..(press) CTRL + S, you………..(save) the file.

14. The children………..(be) happy if he………..(teach) them English.

15. If she………..(buy) a new hard disk, she………..(not/ lose) all data.

Bài 2: Viết lại các câu sau sang dạng câu điều kiện thích hợp.

1. Keep silent or you’ll wake the baby up. → If you don’t keep silent, you will wake the baby up.

2. Stop talking or you won’t understand the lesson.→ If………………………………………..….…….

3. I don’t know her number, so I don’t ring her up. →If………………………………………..….……..

4. I don’t know the answer, so I can’t tell you.→ If …………………………………………….………..

5. We got lost because we didn’t have a map.→ If …………………………………….……..…….……

6. Susan felt sick because she ate four cream cakes. →……………………………………………..……

7. Without this treatment, the patient would have died. →……………………………………….….……

8. He lost his job because he was late every day. →………………………………………………………

9. Peter is fat because he eats so many chips. →…………………………………………………………..

10. Robert got a bad cough because he started smoking cigarettes. →………………………………..…..

Bài 3: Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. I would have visited you before if there _____ quite a lot of people in your house.

A. hadn’t          B. hadn’t been        C. wouldn’t be          D. wasn’t

2. If you had caught the bus, you _____ late for work.

A. wouldn’t have been          B. would have been

C. wouldn’t be                D. would be

3. If I _____, I would express my feelings.

A. were asked               B. would ask

C. had been asked           D. asked

4. If _____ as I told her, she would have succeeded.

A. she has done             B. she had done

C. she does                D. she did

5. Will you be angry if I _____ your pocket dictionary?

A. stole         B. have stolen      C. were to steal           D. steal

6. You made a mistake by telling her a lie. It _____ better if you _____ to her.

A. would have been/ hadn’t lied         B. would be/ didn’t lie

C. will be/ don’t lie                   D. would be/ hadn’t lied

7. John would be taking a great risk if he _____ his money in that business.

A. would invest     B. invested     C. had invested        D. invests

8. She wouldn’t have given them all that money if we _____ her to.

A. wouldn’t advise                 B. won’t advise

C. hadn’t advised                 D. didn’t advise

9. If the tree hadn’t been so high, he _____ it up to take his kite down.

A. could have climbed             B. climb

C. is climbing                    D. climbed

10. If the wall weren’t so high, he _____ it up to take his ball down.

A. climbed        B. could climb     C. is climbing         D. climb

11. If I _____ her phone number, I _____ her last night

A. had known/ could have phoned       B. knew/ would have phoned

C. know/ can phone                  D. knew/ could phone

12. If he ______ the truth, the police wouldn’t arrest him.

A. tells         B. told         C. had told              D. would tell

13. If you press that button what _____?

A. would happen              B. would have happened

C. will happen                D. happen

14. She says if she _____ that the traffic lights were red she _____.

A. had realized/ would stop     B. realized/ could have stopped

C. has realized/ stopped       D. had realized/ would have stopped

15. I am very thin. I think, if I _____ smoking, I might get fat.

A. stop        B. had stopped      C. will stop        D. stopped

16. If I _____ that yesterday, I _____ them.

A. had discovered/ would inform

B. had discovered/ would have informed\

C. had discovered/ could inform

D. discovered/ can inform

17. If you _______ to the course regularly, they ________ a certificate last year.

A. go/ gave                      B. go/ give

C. had gone/ would have given       D. went/ would give

18. I think he is not at home. If he _____ in, he ______ the phone.

A. was/ answered                 B. were/ would answer

C. were/ would have answered      D. had been/ would have answered

19. If I ______ in London now, I could visit British Museum.

A. were         B. had been       C. have been          D. would be

20. If Columbus _______ money from Queen Isabella, he _______ across the Atlantic.

A. do not receive/ could not sail

B. had not received/ might not have sailed

C. did not receive/ might not have sailed

D. would not receive/ might not sail

Đáp án:

Bài 1

1. will give                       6. had arrived             11. would have/ hadn’t spent (ĐK hỗn hợp)

2. would type                   7. wouldn’t make      12. gives/ what will you do

3. would have visited      8. were                      13. press/ save (hoặc will save)

4. attended                    9. find                         14. would be/ taught

5. knew                         10. would be               15. had bought/ wouldn’t have lost

Bài 2 (ngoài ra còn nhiều cách viết sử dụng từ ngữ khác nhau, nhưng nghĩa là không thay đổi)

2. If you keep talking, you won’t understand the lesson.

3. If I know her number, I will ring her up.

4. If I know the answer, I will tell you.

5. If we had had a map, we wouldn’t have got lost.

6. If Susan hadn’t eaten four cream cakes, she wouldn’t have felt sick.

7. If we hadn’t had this treatment, the patient would have died.

8. If he hadn’t been late every day, he wouldn’t have lost his job.

9. If Peter ate less chips, he wouldn’t be fat.

10. If Robert hadn’t started smoking cigarettes, he wouldn’t have got a bad cough.

Bài 3

1. B        6. A       11. A        16. B

2. A        7. B       12. B        17. C

3. A        8. C       13. C        18. B

4. B        9. A       14. D        19. A

5. D       10. B      15. A         20. B

-Sưu tầm-

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