Tổng hợp các dạng câu bị động trong tiếng Anh (The passive voice).

Câu bị động (Passive Voice) là phần ngữ pháp tương đối quan trọng và phức tạp trong kiến thức thi Đại học tiếng Anh nếu. Tuy nhiên, một khi đã nắm rõ quy tắc trong mảng ngữ pháp này thì việc chuyển đổi từ câu chủ động sang câu bị động sẽ trở nên vô cùng đơn giản.

Các bài viết liên quan:

Câu bị động cơ bản:

  1. Với 9 thời cơ bản của động từ: Trong phần câu chủ động các bạn chú ý chọn được đúng và đủ tân ngữ để làm chủ ngữ trong câu bị động động.

Eg: They often buy flowers for their parents on their birthdays.

Flowers are often bought for their parents on their birthdays.

Eg: Ms Ha gave me her books yesterday.

  • I was given Ms Ha’s books yesterday.
  • Ms Ha’s books were given me yesterday.

Một số từ không dùng trong câu bị động ở tân ngữ:  (people, someone, every one, no one, any one, I, we, you, they, she, he, it)  (by people /someone / every one / no one / any one /me / us / you / them / her / him / it)

Eg: (A) They  built that house last year >  (P) That house was built last year.

  1. Động từ khuyết thiếu (modal verbs): can, could, will, would, shall, should, may, might, must, had better, would rather, have to, used to, ought to,.

3. Active:   S + have + Smb + V + Smt/ S +  get + Smb + Vto + Smt 

EgHoa should finish her homework before she go to bed.   > …………………………

 Passive: S + have / get + smt + V3/ed + (by Smb)….

a. (A) I had him repair my car. —> (P) I had my car repaired (by him).

b. (A) I get her to make some coffee. —> (P) I get some coffee made (by her).

4. Các động từ:

love, like,dislike, enjoy, fancy, hate, imagine, regret, mind, admit, involve, deny,avoid….

Chủ động: S + V + O1+ Ving + O2 => Bị động: S + V + O2 + being + V3/ed  + by O1

E.g.: I like you wearing this dress => I like this dress being worn by you.

6. Smb + want/ like/ expect + smb + Vto …..

>  Smb  + want / like/ expect + smt +  to be done

Eg: Our teacher wants us to prepare our lessons carefully./  Our teacher wants our lessons to be prepared carefully.

They expected me to finish my work early./  They expected my work to be finished early.

7. Smb + agree/arrange/ determined/ decide + Vto  …..

>  Smb  + agree/ arrange/ determined/ decide + that something + should be + done

Eg: She decided to rebuild the house./    She decided that the house should be rebuilt.

Eg:   The house needs cleaning. (passive meaning)      These flowers require watering.

The house needs to be cleaned.                     These flowers require to be watered.

You don’t need to prepare the lesson (active) The chickens need feeding

The lesson doesn’t need to be prepared.       The chickens need to be fed.

8. Somebody + see/make/let + someone + do + something (active)

> Someone is seen/made + to do something (passive)

E.g.: My parents never let me do anything by myself =>  I’m never let do anything by myself hoặc I’m never allowed to do anything by myself.

9. Someone is let + do something (passive) but we often say: > someone is (not) allowed to do something

Eg:  He made me stay outside yesterday. (active).      >  I was made to stay outside yesterday.

The teacher let us go home early last week. (active).  > We were let go home early by the teacher last week.

  • often: We were allowed to go home early by the teacher last week.

I saw the thief climb the wall. (active)        The thief was seen to climb the wall.

10. Don’t do something (active) > something mustn’t be done

11. It’s impossible to do something (active) > something can’t be done

12. It’s possible to do something (active)  >  something can be done

Eg: Don’t touch this switch               > This switch mustn’t be touched

It is impossible to do this                    > This can’t be done.

13. Somebody + advise/ beg/ urge/ recommend someone to do something (active)
Cách 1: someone is advised/ begged/ urged/ recommended to do something

Cách 2: somebody advise/ beg/ urge/ recommend that something should be done

Eg: He advised me to sell the car. > I was advised to sell the car.  > He advised that the car should be sold.

14. Somebody + agree/ arrange/ determine/ decide/ is determined/ is anxious +to do something (active)

> Somebody + agree/ arrange/ determine/ decide/ is determined/ is anxious + that something should be done

Eg: She decided to rebuild the house.             >  she decided that the house should be rebuilt.

15. Somebody + insist/ advise/ propose/ recommend/ suggest + doing something (active)

> Somebody insist/ advise/ propose/ recommend/ suggest that something should be done

He suggested selling the radio/                         > He suggested that radio should be sold.

They advised enlarging the garden/                  > They advised that the garden should be enlarged.

16. Mệnh lệnh thức (imperative) + Object  S + should/must + be + V3/ed/ Let + object + be+ V3/ed

Eg: Turn on the lights.                                      Open your book, please!

The lights should be turned on.                       Let your book be opened, please


1. It’s your duty to + Vo

=> Bị động: You’re supposed to + Vo

E.g.: It’s your duty to make tea today => You are supposed to make tea today.

2. It’s impossible to + Vo

=> Bị động: S + can’t + be + V3/ed

E.g: It’s impossible to solve this problem => This problem can’t be solved.

3. It’s necessary to + Vo

=> Bị động: S + should/ must + be + V3/ed

E.g.: It’s necessary for you to type this letter => This letter should/ must be typed by you.

4.  It + be + adj + for somebody + to do something.

=> Bị động: It + be + adj + for something + to be done.

E.g.: It is difficult for me to finish this test in one hour => It is difficult for this test to be finished in one hour.



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